Pi Artworks (Istanbul) | Love, Hate and Edit

Pi Artworks (Istanbul)

June 17 – July 10, 2015
Artist: Saeed Ensafi

Pi Artworks Istanbul presents Iranian artist Saeed Ensafi’s first solo show in Turkey. Ensafi, who grew up in the post-war era Tehran and experienced its aftermath and the myths and narratives that surround it, reflects on traces left behind by the people who suddenly leave our lives in his work. In his assemblages made from cut-up photographs from family albums, Ensafi focuses on the growing gaps that appears after a significant loss. With faces cut out from the family photos, Ensafi transforms these people into silhouettes without specific identities, allowing his audience a chance to reflect their own feelings and meaning to these gaps.

Pi Artworks (Istanbul) > MAP
163/4 Istikal Caddesi, Misir Apartment,
Galatasaray – Beyoglu, Istanbul 34430

Opening hours: Monday – Saturday, 10:00 am – 7:00 pm, Saturday.
Above: Image courtesy by Pi Artworks and the artist

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