Pi Artworks (London) | An Avalanche Of Subtlety

Pi Artworks (London)

July 10 – August 8, 2015
Artists: John Henry Newton, Laura Reeves, and Himali Singh Soin
Curated by Adrienne Groen

An Avalanche of Subtlety presents a conversation with thirty-two boxes, each containing objects meticulously ordered by an unknown collector, that have been repossessed by the artists to create a new history. Through their practice, artists John Henry Newton, Laura Reeves, and Himali Singh Soin pick up the leads of these stagnant objects and repossess them to create a new history, providing new hands to the previously inactivated tools. Just as every box represented a particular window into a past time, the exhibition also frames a specific moment in the journeys of these objects before they will be redistributed again, scattered to be interpreted in new settings by other figures – perhaps even finding new boxes to reside in.

Pi Artworks (London) > MAP
55 Eastcastle St,
London W1W 8EG, UK

Opening hours: Monday – Friday: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm, Saturday: 11:00 am – 6:00 pm
Above: Image courtesy by Pi Artworks and the artist

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