Ye Funa (Beijing)

Curated Nails

A popular platform for self-expression, traditionally reserved as feminine, is claimed as a viable venue for curatorial work, while a common tool for flaunting beauty and personality is reimagined as legitimate medium for artistic activity. Funa’s performance-project Curated Nails appropriates notions of the “periphery’ and “alternative space”, in an effort to challenge and to de-mystify institutional authority.

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Ye Funa’s FIELD MEETING participation was supported by Space Station (Beijing).

Ye Funa, Curated Nails, 2016. Lecture Performance documentation FIELD MEETING: Thinking Practice, November 12th at Asia Society. Photo: Renata Carciofolo.


Ye Funa‘s practice is engaged in pastiche through her satirization of propaganda and depictions of ‘perfection’ within ideological systems and landscapes. A graduate from the Central Academy of Fine Arts, she has had several gallery and museum exhibitions, including at the Power Station of Art and at the University of Toronto Art Centre.

People’s Congress via their Nails. Live event in Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing, 2015